CTE Feature

Archived Documents

Easily share commonly used documents, such as school policies, schedules, handbooks, and more, with teachers and staff. These archived documents can also be added as evidence for audits, ensuring streamlined record-keeping and compliance.

Archive Policies, Schedules, Handbooks, and other documents.

Our advanced archiving system provides a seamless solution for conveniently storing and managing commonly shared documents within a school, such as policies and handbooks. This platform ensures that these essential documents are easily accessible by staff, promoting efficiency and organization. By maintaining digital records, any updates or revisions made to the documents are automatically reflected across the system. This feature eliminates the cumbersome task of replacing outdated physical copies, ensuring that all staff members have access to the most current information at all times. Furthermore, this digital approach helps maintain compliance with school policies and regulations by guaranteeing instant and accurate access to vital documents. Embrace this modern archiving solution to enhance your school’s document management and accessibility today.

Our innovative documents system provides a powerful solution for storing all required audit documents securely. This system makes it easy to attach archived documents as evidence during audits, ensuring a smooth process. Moreover, our versatile annotation tools allow you to highlight specific pages or key points. This feature draws attention to critical information and enhances clarity for auditors. By using this comprehensive archiving solution, you can reduce the time and effort often linked with traditional auditing methods. Experience improved efficiency and effectiveness in audit documentation with our advanced system designed for your organization’s needs.