CTE / CCR / WBL Feature

On-Site Visits

Establish a preferred on-site visit check-in frequency with your employers to ensure no WBL experiences are overlooked. Track and document all interactions with business partners, including a detailed log of site visits, mileage, and photos of students in action.

On-Site Visit Needed in 22 Days

Employer On-Site Visit Compliance

Manage your compliance with scheduled visit requirements, whether monthly or at other specified intervals. It helps you efficiently track employer visits that are approaching, as well as those that are overdue. This ensures you never miss important deadlines and maintain adherence to your scheduling requirements. With this tool, you can effortlessly organize and prioritize your on-site visits, keeping all necessary engagements on track. By using our feature, you enhance your ability to effectively manage relationships with employers, ensuring smooth operations and successful compliance with all relevant standards.

On-Site Visit Photos and Other Supporting Documentation

Our platform facilitates comprehensive documentation during on-site visits by allowing you to capture photos and collect supporting documents. You can easily attach these materials to the record, creating a detailed account of each visit. This feature enables you to effectively track changes over time, providing visual and textual evidence of student activities and progress. By documenting each visit thoroughly, you build a valuable resource for evaluating developmental milestones. Additionally, it helps verify compliance with standards and enhances communication with stakeholders. Embracing this robust documentation feature not only streamlines record-keeping but also provides insightful data for assessing student growth over successive visits.

Track Mileage and Generate Reimbursement Forms

Our platform offers a seamless way to track and manage all mileage associated with your on-site visits. It automatically compiles this information into a digital form designed specifically for reimbursement purposes. Additionally, the digital form includes a customizable signature page, which you can tailor to meet your organization’s specific requirements. This feature not only simplifies the reimbursement process but also enhances accuracy and efficiency by organizing all relevant data in one convenient location. By utilizing our system, you save time and ensure a streamlined process for both mileage tracking and reimbursement, making administrative tasks more manageable and effective.